I really am grateful for the things I have learned about myself and the things that I want from any type of partner. For instance, I dated a guy that was picky about everything, from how my car was not clean enough for him to the way I made a wreath out of flowers, nope,next....... how about the guy with the candycane shaped penis? yeah thats not very useful,sorry, next...... or the coke head that liked to wave his gun around, yeah not so much,next,,,,,, or the guy that complained about how much everything cost during the entire date,no thanks, or the guy with the miniature penis that actually had a girlfriend,,hmmmm really?if their are so many fish in the sea why is it I keep getting all the ones full of mercury?
so how about a guy that is a generous lover a gentleman, kind, good with kids, likes similar things, kisses me sweetly, and doesnt have weird hang ups about the color of my lingerie,(yeah that was interesting).
he's out there, I know, but in the mean time it sure does make for some funny commentary huh?
WHICH coke head waved his gun around??? I'm also having a tough time recalling the name of the small penis/girlfriend having guy is...dammit all to hell! I want more info on that lingerie one...